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About Us

2736 The Royal Regiment of Canada Cadet Corps is an army cadets corps based out of Fort York Armoury, Toronto. 


Our affiliated unit, The Royal Regiment of Canada, is an infantry unit in 32 Brigade. Our traditions, dress and activities all derive from the Royals. We are proud to be a part of this wonderful Regimental family. 


The Cadet Program aims to build strong leaders and good citizens, with a focus on fitness and stimulating an interest in the Canadian Forces. 


We train twice weekly - Tuesday nights are focused on fitness and teambuilding, as well as marksmanship practice. Thursday nights are our parade night, where the curriculum of the program is taught.

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© 2016 by 2736 RCACC 


*Please note that this line is only checked twice weekly.


660 Fleet St, Room 139

Fort York Armoury

Toronto, ON

M5V 1A9


Parade Night:

Thursdays 6:30 to 9:15

Sports & Fitness:

Tuesdays 6:45 to 9:00

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